Homegrown Depot Blog

Perfect Peace

Posted by Doug Routledge on

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3 Each year, as Christmas cards come to the Routledge home from across the U.S. and Canada, we read them and then attach them to two oak support pillars in our living room. As Christmas day gets...

What We Really Want

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I heard a sermon this weekend on a whirlwind 72-hour round-trip drive from home to Mobile, AL and back. Steve DeNeff of College Wesleyan Church made a simple statement. It, along with a steady variety of highly emotional stimulants, seems to have struck a nerve which is still resonating. His...

Coming Back… rest, tribulation, and the presence of God

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For the last couple weeks Dawn, my wife, and I have been resting in the seclusion of Michigan’s upper peninsula. There is a lake there called Piatt. It sits three miles (as the crow flies) south of the shores of Lake Superior. It has no cell phone connectivity. It has no internet...

Tying up The Strongman

Posted by Doug Routledge on

2 Timothy 2:1-2 “You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” I remember hearing about the confrontation…One...

Movie Trap

Posted by Doug Routledge on

 Movies are something that should never fool us. I was just fooled by one the other night. The title is Sole Survivor. Sole. As in only. In spite of this title spoiler, by around one hour and ten minutes into the film, choppers come to the rescue of the two men caught by the Taliban. Two...

A McDonalds Revelation

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I was driving along I-94 heading west when I saw the sign. Actually, what I saw was the overpass with the sign on it.  The bridge itself was fairly new, constructed out of yellow brick. It felt as if someone had transplanted the structure from TCU’s beautiful campus and plopped it...

At This Table

Posted by Doug Routledge on

For to us was born today, in the city of David, a savior, which is Christ, my Lord and our hope. Can’t you feel the power of God in those blessed words?   Merry Christmas! The New Year rises and falls on our ability to invite people to the table and God’s promise to sit with...

Faces in Places

Posted by Doug Routledge on

What began as a planned trip to our annual National Youth Workers Conference in Columbus, Ohio, transmogrified to a board retreat, which became a tour to visit supporters from Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Ohio. Clearly, we could not visit all of the over...

Bone Weary... and Happy

Posted by Doug Routledge on

  CRF began its formal ministry in 2001 after spending a year in prayer and training with its student leaders and volunteers. This happened exactly twenty years ago.  The first official event for Crossroads Farm was a murder mystery game, spread out over 105 acres. The night was...

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