Professional Staff

National Staff

 Doug Routledge




Doug Routledge founded Crossroads Farm with his wife Dawn in the Spring of 1999. It is his heart, his mind-share and his passion. He considers himself a lifetime youth worker. He has spoken across the country to colleges, churches, festivals, conferences, civic organizations and camps. He is perhaps best known for his slightly sideways take on stories we have heard forever.

Doug is a published illustrator and author of an award winning children’s book, Waking The World, as well as the ARMS Training, Servant Leadership Series. His greatest joy is to equip youth workers for the ministry to rural teenagers. His love for kids and God’s Word come together in everything that he does.

When he is not directing Crossroads Farm, he enjoys all sports (a multiple sport college athlete), hunting the illusive Michigan Whitetail, reading (his library is home to over 3000 volumes), playing guitar, harmonica or riding his bike. He considers it as his favorite role in life as husband to a beautiful wife and father to three incredible daughters, Madison, Raegan and Lauren.

Don’t ask him for his favorite color, food, musical artist, book or movie. He can’t decide. He did decide that the verse that he claims as his is 2 Thessalonians 1:11,12.

“With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

 Dawn Routledge

  Director of Operations



Dawn is passionate for Jesus Christ and desires, in fact begs Him, to use Doug and her every day that they live, with all that they have, for the rest of their lives. Reaching rural youth for Christ, through the vehicle of Crossroads Farm, is the outpouring that Dawn shares with her luscious husband whom she married in 1993. It is their pride and joy to watch God unfold their three most lovely daughters Madison, Raegan and Lauren as they pursue a life lived for Him.

If you were to ask Dawn about the journey of Crossroads Farm, she'd tell you she's more of a destination girl. The difficulty of the journey of Crossroads Farm far exceeded anything she and Doug anticipated when they started this wild faith founding in 1999. Dawn's favorite words in the Bible are "Yet" and "But God." She knows there is exceedingly, abundantly more than she and Doug could ask or think both behind and before us in this ministry. They are humbled by all that God has and will allow them to see, and pray toward all the things they won't see on this side of heaven.

 Richard Carpenter

  Visual Communications Associate



Richard is a homegrown missionary. While attending Spring Arbor University, Rich joined the Crossroads Farm team as a Leadteam Coach (an adult mentor) in the Fall of 2000. In his early years of volunteering he picked up a camera from a yard sale and discovered a passion of photography, which came in very handy for documenting ministry at CRF. During his internship at CRF, from 2004-2006, a co-worker taught him how to use a couple Adobe programs and Richard took over the design of Down on the Farm: The Quarterly Newsletter of Crossroads Farm. It was in this process that he discovered his dream job: the combination of working with teens, photography, and graphic design, all in one ministry.

Today, Richard is a husband to Michelle and a father of three boys, Luke, Ryan, and Noah. In his free time he enjoys spending time with Michelle, playing with his boys, doing wood working projects, roasting coffee, and drinking  coffee.

 Nancy McNeil

  Office / Finance Manager



Nancy is a wife, mom, grandma, military veteran, missionary, survivor, redeemed sinner and Jesus lover…and not necessarily in that order, either.

Nancy first met Jesus when she was 13 while at a church camp. Her journey towards fulfilling her God-given calling started that day, even if she had no idea what was in store. After graduating high school, she enlisted in the U. S. Navy where she discovered a passion for numbers, organization, and office products. She left the military in 2004 and soon found herself missing the joy of working towards something bigger than herself.

God fulfilled that desire by bringing her to work at Crossroads Farm as part time bookkeeper in 2005. She quickly fell in love with the ministry and the way its staff and volunteers loved and invested in teens. It was no surprise that Nancy eventually added the role of Coach (an adult mentor/volunteer) working with middle school girls. In 2011, Nancy transitioned away from Crossroads, but only temporarily.

In 2015, God called her as a full-time missionary with Crossroads Farm. Nancy says, “There was no one on the face of the earth more surprised than I when God called. It was something I’d never thought would happen. Yet, looking back on my life, I can’t imagine ever doing anything different.” Nancy serves as Office Manager and Accounting Associate for CRF’s National Office, handling all finances in accordance with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability standards (ECFA). She also serves as a volunteer in the organization, working with a small group/Carecell, of middle school girls.

Nancy and her husband, Chuck, were married in 1993.  They live in Coldwater, MI, and have 4 grown children, two of whom grew up as Crossroads Farm kids.  Their oldest, Andrew, and his wife, Rochelle, live in Washington with their four adorable offspring: Cora, Saylah, Judah and Boaz.  Joe and his wife, Karen, also live in Washington. Their son, Cullen, enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in 2014 and works with military aircraft.  Their youngest, Devlin, is pursuing a calling in the healthcare field.

 Jabin Umfleet

  Director in Training



CRF welcomes Jabin, his wife, Ally, and their daughter, Hazel, to the Crossroads Farm family. Jabin joins our full time missionary staff team as a Director in Training for his future role as Ministry Director for a Rosebud County, MT, plant of Crossroads Farm.

Jabin heard about CRF through a friend of the Farm who connected him with his life’s calling. To obey what God is telling and connecting teenagers in Montana to hope, churches, and a relationship with Jesus. Rosebud, MT is where I grew up and where my heart was broken for my lost friends and the people group of that region.

Please pray that this new missionary family will find community at the site of CRF National as they train, even while they are homesick to be in MT.

 Raegan Marshall

  Executive Assistant



Raegan set out in life to prove her two sisters wrong. The result: proving them more right than ever. Growing up so close to the ministry, as the founders’ daughter, she never expected to become a full time missionary; however, her senior year, she had the opportunity to lead a care cell at Crossroads Farm that led to a change of heart. After attending Grace College and receiving a bachelor’s degree in General Business, she returned to her hometown of Reading to begin the support raising process. It wasn’t just her hometown for which she was burdened but all of rural America. It was the students who did not have a safe place to go, feel loved, learn about Christ, and learn how to practically live out their faith that ultimately drove Raegan to become the Executive Assistant for the National Branch of Crossroads Farm. Her goal is simple: enable the executives to focus their efforts on the sustainability and multiplication of the ministry, so that eventually, it can spread throughout the whole country.

Bonus Facts: Raegan married current CRF missionary, Luke Marshall, in June 2020, she is obsessed with ice cream, and one summer killed 19 mice in her cabin while serving as a camp counselor. Esther 4:14 has become one of her favorite verses because it reminds her that she is responsible to speak up and take action now.

 Katrina Wilson

  National Office Support



Katrina Wilson first discovered Crossroads Farm at the end of her freshman year at Hillsdale College. While attending for music performance, Katrina knew she was called into ministry, and just didn’t know the exact avenue it would take. Then another student mentioned the ministry of Crossroads Farm. From the first email describing the mission and vision to the first conversation with Dawn to her first night with students, it didn’t take long for Katrina to fall in love with the ministry. After graduation, Katrina raised support and went from volunteering to working at Crossroads Farm. While she came in expecting to hang out with students all the time (haha), she discovered a beauty, joy and ability in administration. The specific tasks of her role are ever changing, but she’s excited to see how God continues to stretch, grow, and direct her passions and gifts.

Katrina and her husband, Nathan, married in August of 2016, and now live in Colorado Springs. Fun facts, Nathan proposed at a Crossroads Farm program night and worked at Crossroads as professional staff for two years. Katrina enjoys hanging out with students, serving others, reading copious amounts of books, playing games, watching zoo documentaries, and playing with her (as of 2023) toddler.

The Shed Staff


Janelle Berry Janelle Thomson

  Branch Administrative Director



Janelle was born and raised just 3 miles from where Crossroads Farm began, and first came to CRF as a 7th grade student in 2001. Her time as a student at CRF profoundly impacted her. Through the excellent training, amazing relationships and her own heart change she learned to be a leader and what it meant to love Jesus and to love the lost. But never in her wildest dreams did she imagine ever moving back to rural America. Thankfully, God's dreams were even wilder. After a 15 year journey that led her through college at U-M, 5 years in the performing arts, and 6 years on staff with the ministry of Cru, God called her back to CRF in early 2021. God had been perfectly orchestrating the professional experience and deep growth Janelle would need to serve in this role.

She has experienced the rich life Jesus offers, and desires rural students to know that same hope. Even though it has been more than 20 years since she first walked through the doors here, Crossroads Farm has the same heartbeat - loving the rural teen. It is incredible to see how God has grown the ministry and impacted thousands of students’ lives in that time. Janelle is humbled and excited to be a part of God’s work here at CRF The Shed over the next 20 (or more) years. 1 Peter 2:9-10 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.”

 Jack Merckle Jack Merckle

  Branch Ministry Director




Jack grew up in rural Pennsylvania where he regularly attended his local youth group. As a high school student, Jack was called into full time ministry. He ministered to students in southwestern Pennsylvania from 2015-2022.

Jack loves playing sports, being outdoors, and spending time with friends and family. He received his bachelor’s degree from North Greenville University in Greenville, South Carolina. After college, Jack met Paige whom he fell in love with and married in 2018. They have 3 kids, a son whose name is Jack and boy/girl twins named Charlie and Millie.

Jack was first connected with Crossroads Farm when he met Luke Marshall, Ministry Director at CRF The Mine, in Harrison County, Ohio. The Mine is located not far from where Jack was living in Pennsylvania. Jack knew instantly that God had a plan for him and Crossroads Farm. Not long after, Jack accepted the Ministry Director position at CRF The Shed in Reading, Michigan.

 Jake Monroe

  Maintenance Associate



Jake attended Crossroads Farm as a student in the early 2000s. He left the area in 2004 to attend Clarks Summit University in Pennsylvania to become a youth pastor. He met his wife Faith and grew to understand his gifts were in service and craftsmanship.

In 2012 God lead Jake and Faith back to Reading, Michigan and blessed them with two sons Isaac and Titus. Jake reconnected with Doug and Dawn Routledge after attending the same church and was reminded of Crossroads Farm. After helping during a program night, Jake sought out staff members and began praying about joining the staff full-time.

In 2017 Jake left his traditional job driving truck and began the support process to become the maintenance associate at Crossroads Farm The Shed.

 John Barstow

  Seasonal Resident



John was born and raised on the east coast, in several different rural communities as his family moved multiple times. He had very little exposure to church or faith until he came to Hillsdale College, only fifteen minutes from The Shed. It was during his freshmen year there that Christ became John's Savior and priority. He chose to study Psychology, with a minor in Latin.

During his senior year, John began volunteering at Crossroads Farm. Shortly thereafter, he began to feel and understand God's call for him to work at the ministry as he began to question his plans for after college. He also recognized the importance of Crossroads Farm for students in the surrounding communities, given his similar experiences as a secondary student.

 Pam Monroe

  Office Support



Pam Monroe is a local "kid" who graduated from Reading High School and Spring Arbor University. After marrying her sweetheart, Don, she lived in California for five years while he completed his Air Force commitment. They moved back to Michigan and with three sons were very busy in the community. Pam retired after thirty years in management at the Hillsdale Market House and was looking for the "next" in her life. Through a series of circumstances directed by God, she began volunteering at Crossroads Farm. A part-time position of bookkeeping opened up and became her "next!" Pam considers it a joy and privilege to serve alongside God's missionaries reaching rural youth.


The Lanes Staff

 Joe Castañeda

  Branch Ministry Director



The Castañeda’s journey to Crossroads Farm began as a trek very much NOT toward CRF. As a west coast family, Joe and Traci always thought their ministry would be connected to their geographical roots, and NW Michigan had never been on their radar until…

Joe grew up in Oregon and Traci was born and raised in Washington state. The two met in high school, and both felt God’s call in their lives toward full-time Christian service. Joe had always felt a pull toward youth ministry and when he completed college with a youth ministry degree in 1995, he began work at a small Christian camp in NW Washington. After Traci finished school the following year, the two were wed in December of 1996 and began a youth pastorate in Seattle.

After four years, the Lord moved them back to Salem, Oregon where they had met, and they began a 12+ year youth ministry at Bethany Baptist Church, a stretch of time that would see all three of their children born. Toward the end of that season of ministry, God opened a door for the family to move to NW Michigan to begin work at a large Christian camp, a place that Joe thought he could invest the next 20-25 years of his life serving students. But God’s plans were much bigger and much different than he imagined.

After just two years, the camp position ended abruptly and the Lord led Joe and Traci to Kalkaska, a town they had not known prior to 6 months before being let go from the camp. A year of healing and uncertainty culminated in the Castañeda family being established in this rural town, and while Joe readily admits to being a city boy, he and Traci quickly embraced their new community and saw first hand the heartache that was impacting students and families throughout the county. But they were both still wondering about the crazy path on which God had placed them.

A year into their new life, there was a God-orchestrated encounter with Doug and Dawn Routledge. With them, Joe and Traci found kindred hearts for ministry and finally a little glimpse of the reason behind God’s plan to move them from family and friends on the west coast, to the rural communities of NW Michigan. Today they are thrilled to be a part of the first Crossroads Farm ministry extension in NW Michigan, and are looking forward to having a front row seat to God’s plans for this ministry to reach deep into the heart of teenagers all across Rural America.

Joe and Traci have been married since 1996, have been in full-time youth ministry their whole marriage, and have three amazing Children: AJ, Bethany, and Celina. They love doing ministry together and have hosted and co-taught in many different venues for marriage retreats and couples classes. Joe loves to preach and has traveled the country preaching to high school and middle school students at camps, events, and conferences since the late 90's. Their passion is to see students become followers of Christ who are able to share Christ and disciple their peers. They love the vision and audacious faith-based goal of Crossroads Farm.

 Jerry Bernard

  Branch Administrative Director



Jerry’s journey to Crossroads Farm started at a small camp in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan called Hiawatha Youth Camp. It was there that Jerry met his wife and first heard about Crossroads Farm. After graduating from college with a math degree, Jerry and Andrea moved to Coldwater, Michigan where he started teaching math and physics at the local high school and volunteering as a Coach at Crossroads Farm. After six years of volunteering, Jerry felt God leading him to work at Crossroads full-time. Upon receiving confirmation through listening prayer and completing the support raising process, Jerry began working for Crossroads Farm in 2013 where he continued to find new ways to combine his math and science brain with his love and passion for reaching students.

Staff at Crossroads Farm have affectionately referred to Jerry as the queso guy, or in real speak “K, So….”. This title came as a result of Jerry’s willingness to fill any hole, wear any hat, and always ask the “how are we going to make that happen” questions. He has worked in many areas from providing facility maintenance, to enhancing the corn maze, to running sound, to leading ministry partner development, to his newest hat- serving as the Administrative Director at Crossroads Farm The Lanes. In November of 2017, Jerry and Andrea moved again, this time with their three (now four) children, back to the area where he grew up. Jerry’s love for students has never faded and he is thrilled to be back home reaching his peers’ kids with the Gospel of Christ.

Jerry serves with his beautiful wife and their four children- Alexis, Justice, Gabrielle, and Elizabeth. Jerry is committed to living a life of sincerity and integrity, a conviction he’s carried since he accepted Christ in 1995. Jerry enjoys making puns, fishing with his kids, and eating Little Debbie snacks for lunch!

 Cody Kammeraad

  Program Associate



Cody grew up in the same, small town only ten minutes away from where Crossroads Farm The Lanes would eventually be planted. Missing the start of The Lanes by only a couple years, he had first-hand experience on how much his community needed a place like Crossroads Farm for students to hear about God’s love and mercy.

After graduating from Cornerstone University in 2020 with a bachelor's degree in audio production, Cody searched for where God wanted him to go. Cody originally thought about becoming a Tech Director at a church but felt like God was calling him to stay in South Boardman and serve his hometown. God eventually brought him to Crossroads Farm and gave him a passion for reaching out to students.

One of the things Cody does is train and work with students in the tech booth on Sunday nights during program. Combining his love for behind-the-scenes service and sharing it with students enables him to connect and help them see another aspect of the worship experience that often gets overlooked in the public eye. As a result of training students at CRF, they are often able to go to their own home churches and help in their tech booth as well. 

 Judy Zimpfer

  Office Support



Judy has loved being a child of God her entire life. She is still seeking to know Him more and discover what it means to be totally surrendered to His will. Upon graduation from Spring Arbor College in 1971 Judy went into the classroom as a high school mathematics and English teacher for 38 years. She married Gary Zimpfer that same year and together they have three daughters (one in heaven) and two grandsons. Ever since 1971, Judy has volunteered in youth ministry as a local church leader, a summer camp counsellor for 24 years, and district coordinator for youth ministry in her church for the past 20 years.

Loving teens is her passion and nothing thrills her more than to see one of them decide to follow Jesus. Upon retirement from teaching, Judy learned about Crossroads Farm from a fellow youth worker and was so excited to come on board as a volunteer on The Lanes Leadteam. The concept of reaching rural teens by bringing local small churches together has been one of her visions as a youth ministry coordinator for quite some time, and having the privilege of being a more integral part of this sacred movement continues to be a highlight in her journey with the Lord. 

The Mine Staff

 Luke Marshall

  Branch Ministry Director



Luke Marshall first felt his call to ministry in high school when his youth pastor challenged him to lead a small group Bible study. He fell in love with teaching and sharing The Word with his friends in that Bible study. He decided he wanted to further his knowledge of the Word and pursue youth ministry by attending Boyce College in Louisville, Kentucky. He attended from 2011 until he graduated in 2016, with his Bachelor of Arts In Biblical and Theological Studies.

During college he interned at Farmdale Baptist Church for the first two years and was a youth minister at the church for the final three years, resigning in 2016. He then took a job performing audio testing for a company called Examinetics. Roughly six months after starting this new job away from ministry, he received an unexpected phone call from CRF's President, Doug Routledge. Doug had heard from another minister that Luke had long desired to be in youth ministry. Doug shared the vision of Crossroads Farm for rural youth, and following a handful of visits and much prayer and counsel, Luke began his journey to become a missionary with Crossroads Farm. By the grace of God and the generosity of his wonderful supporters, he was able to move to Michigan, in April of 2019. Luke underwent Ministry Director training at CRF The Shed and as of January 2022, he is the Branch Ministry Director for Crossroads Farm The Mine, in Harrison County, OH.

Luke’s hobbies include sports, lifting weights, and really anything that allows him to compete. He also enjoys watching the occasional show on Netflix, starting campfires to roast marshmallows, and listening to music at high volumes. His current favorite passage of Scripture is Isaiah 6, which he reads often to be reminded of God's grace and call upon his life.

 Carrie Olson

  Branch Administrative Director



Carrie grew up in Central Oregon before moving to the Eastern Shore of Virginia during her gap year between high school and college. During her time in Virginia, she started volunteering with youth ministry for the first time. She loved investing in students and being a part of a team that was committed to seeing those students know the love of Jesus. After her time in Virginia, Carrie moved to Michigan to pursue her bachelor’s degree at Hillsdale College.

It is no surprise that when Carrie was looking for a place to serve during college that she was drawn to another youth ministry: Crossroads Farm. Carrie started to volunteer with Crossroads Farm in the spring of 2016 as a Leadteam Coach. She was impressed by the model of ministry, the dedication of the volunteers and staff, and fell in love with the community, especially her care cell of girls. What was surprising was that after serving at Crossroads Farm all four years of college, Carrie felt God telling her that she wasn’t finished there yet.

Carrie graduated from Hillsdale College in 2019 and immediately began the process of joining the CRF staff. She served as a Program Associate for two years at CRF The Shed. Then God surprised her again by calling her to Harrison County, Ohio to serve as the Administrative Director of CRF The Mine. Carrie moved to Harrison County in August of 2022. She is thrilled to work full-time in a ministry that she cares so much about and to see firsthand more lives changed.

One of Carrie’s favorite verses is Ephesians 2:10 because it reminds her that we are created beautifully by God with purpose. Carrie enjoys connecting with people, helping them connect with God and with each other, baking, planning parties, playing games, and showing hospitality.  

 Rebekah Hobbs 

  Office Support



Rebekah grew up in Michigan in a God loving home just off the Rail Trail. At 4 she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, turning out to be a tool God used to teach her patience and peace in an otherwise turbulent time. She and her family moved to Ohio during the oil market boom, allowing Rebekah to go to Harrison Central for almost all of her high school years. She went to Eastern Gateway for her Associate's degree. 

Rebekah loves working at Crossroads because she wants to serve God in all aspects of her life. She is excited about the work God is doing in her community. She enjoys board games, and playing TTRPGs like DnD. She enjoys playing piano and making new coffee drinks with enough sugar to kill a horse. Her favorite animals are her cats, who are incredibly adorable.

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 

© 2024 Crossroads Farm   |   5520 W. Card Rd., Reading, MI US 49274